The Domino Effect: An Innovative Approach in Aesthetic Medicine Leveraging the Principles of Facial Biomechanics

“The Domino Effect: An Innovative Approach in Aesthetic Medicine Leveraging the Principles of Facial Biomechanics” is the new reserarch article by Sukmanskaya Natalia and me, published last July in the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences.

The Domino Effect is an advanced and innovative approach in the field of aesthetic medicine, particularly in facial rejuvenation. This technique, leveraging the principles of facial biomechanics and the knowledge about rheological characteristics of hyaluronic acid-based soft-tissue fillers, aims to achieve natural-looking results by strategically addressing different facial regions in a chronological order to achieve a harmonious and rejuvenated appearance [1-3]. The rationale behind this approach is based on the principle that the treatment of one facial region can positively influence adjacent areas, similar to the cascading eff ect seen in a row of falling dominos. This method involves a comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy, aging mechanisms [4], and the rheological properties of fillers used. Herein, we summarize the key components of this innovative treatment technique.

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