Reports of fake, counterfeit drugs, built somewhere
Attention is a must and to remind everyone to use absolutely original products, it seems obvious in Italy today. If you can’ t see the
Attention is a must and to remind everyone to use absolutely original products, it seems obvious in Italy today. If you can’ t see the
Modern dentistry is above all cosmetic dentistry, which integrates harmoniously with the aesthetics of the face and smile. As many will know, I wrote a
The capillaries (called in medichese “teleangectasie”) of the limbs lower and of the face have been for a very long time an imperfection that is
Authors:Ivanka Temelkova, Uwe Wollina, Veronica Di Nardo, Georgi TchernevSe non riesci a visualizzare l’articolo completo, clicca qui.
In medical and scientific field is critical that anatomical parts are depicted in a clear and explanatory!Se non riesci a visualizzare l’articolo completo, clicca qui.
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