Prof. Alessio Redaelli

Medicina estetica
Specialista in chirurgia vascolare

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Exploring the pinnacle of aesthetic medicine: Highlights from the 9th IPAM edition

The excitement is still palpable as the curtains closed on the 9th edition of IPAM Live Injection Marathon and Masterclasses, just a few days ago. Three intense days of learning from stars of the aesthetic medicine world left participants inspired and eager for the future of their practice. From live injections marathons to hands-on masterclasses and a deep dive into regenerative techniques, IPAM 2023 proved to be a huge event for professionals worldwide.

Live Injection Marathon
The first day of IPAM 2023 kicked off with a fully booked Live Injection Marathon, showcasing new techniques meticulously presented by friends and renowned colleagues. The practicality of the Live Injection Marathon has remained a hallmark of IPAM, and the 9th edition was no exception. It served as an invaluable platform for attendees to witness and learn the latest advancements directly from the stars of the aesthetic medicine world.

Hands-on Masterclasses
The second day of IPAM was dedicated to hands-on masterclasses, a unique opportunity for attendees to engage in interactive sessions with experts in the field.
Dr. Giovanni Salti, Dr. Riekie Smit, and I led these masterclasses, providing the chance for participants to inject alongside us.

The IPAM post Course: Regenerative Day with Laboratoires FILLMED
The third day of IPAM was the regenerative day, presented in collaboration with Laboratoires FILLMED. Attendees delved into collagen, elastin, and the extracellular matrix, uncovering the secrets of regeneration. The spotlight was on the next level of regenerative techniques, with a particular focus on NCTF + synergistic materials and techniques. More than 100 doctors from various corners of the globe gathered in Milan to be part of this groundbreaking discussion on the regenerative era.

Save the Date for IPAM 2024: December 14th. As the 9th edition concluded on a high note, we left attendees with a Save the Date for the 10th edition of IPAM, scheduled for December 14th, 2024. As we await the next edition, IPAM stands as a beacon for innovation and excellence in aesthetic medicine.

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